Judisk Kultur

J! Symposium
Dancing with Demons: The Singers
Lördag 2 december 19:00-21:00
Söndag 3 december 10:00-17:00
Kulturhuset Stadsteatern

Dancing with Demons: The Singers
An international symposium on the Yiddish World and Writing of Esther Kreitman, Israel Yehoshua and Isaac Bashevis.

Saturday December 2 19:00-21:00
Sunday December 3 10:00-17:00
Kulturhuset Stadsteatern, Hörsalen


The seminar examines the works of the Yiddish writers Ester Kreitman (1891-1954), Israel Jehoshua Singer (1893-1944) and Isaac Bashevis Singer (1903-1991). The Singer siblings, except for the youngest Moyshe (1906-1944), rejected their ultra-orthodox family and became Yiddish writers. They contributed prolifically to the transnational Yiddish culture as novelists and short story writers, journalists, and playwrights. Their works and lives provide a fascinating prism of Yiddish culture and literature in interwar Warsaw, London and New York, and post-war America and Israel. With focus on the literary and personal relationships between the Singers in terms of gender, translations, aesthetics, and politics, the seminar includes presentations by world renowned scholars, a documentary film, readings from the Singers’ translated works and a theater performance. The seminar will be held in English, with some parts in Yiddish.

Participants: David Roskies,New York; Vivi Lachs, London; Sonia Gollance, London; Jan Schwarz, Lund; Monika Adamczyk-Garbowska, Lublin; Dorotea Bromberg, Stockholm; Salomon Schulman, Lund; Shane Baker, New York; Miryem-Khaye Seigel, New York. Online: Dan Miron, Tel Aviv

Presentations and panels
-The Yiddish Voices of the Family Singer
-The Singer Brothers and Jewish Literature
-The Singers in Warsaw, New York, and London:
Esther Kreitman’s London-
The Early Writings of Yitskhok Bashevis
Dance as a Tool of Pleasure and Humiliation in I. J. Singer's The Brothers Ashkenazi
-In the Shadow of the Younger Brother: Reception of the Singer Siblings in Poland
-Isaac Bashevis. Singer and the Nobel Prize

Documentary Film
The Muses of I.B. Singer (2014)

Reading (in Swedish and Yiddish)
Ester Kreitman’s Demonernas Dans, translated by Salomon Schulman (2021)

Theater performance (in Yiddish with English texting)
Der shpigl – a monolog fun a shed
Shane Baker and Miryem-Khaye Seigel (New York) I.B.Singer’s play based on his short story ‘Der shpigl’.


Arranged by Jiddischsällskapet i Stockholm och Judisk kultur i Sverige.

J! Talks
Franz Kafka Centennial
Cecilia Hansson och Maria Stepanova
Moderator: Malin Ullgren, författare och journalist, DN
24 september, kl. 19.00 Konstakademien
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